
Friday 3 May 2013

The Brilliant Chef interviews Anjali Pathak

Anjali Pathak came to my house recently to do a masterclass which you can read more about here and here.

I had some questions for her about cookery (mainly). Here's the interview:

What is your favourite food?

Indian food is my favourite cuisine as I grew up with its fantastic flavours. But my favourite dish is a simple Tadka Dhal.

What is your favourite herb or spice?

Green Cardamom. It's full of fragrance and tastes delicious.

Who is your favourite celebrity chef, (other than me and you)?

Jamie Oliver. I love how he is changing the world through eating habits, yet still shows it's fun being in the kitchen.

Who taught you to cook?

I'm very much self taught, but I learnt a lot from my mum and grandma. I also studied at Leiths School of Food & Wine to get my formal qualification.

When did you start cooking?

When I was really young, probably when I was a toddler. I would always be in the kitchen trying to help my mum and grandma with dinner. 

Other than Indian food,  is there a particular country's food you like?

I love Thai food.

Have you got any tips for a young brilliant chef? 

Keep experimenting with flavours and cooking techniques. It's the best way to learn. And read as much as you can about all things food to get a greater understanding of international cuisine.

What is the most useful kitchen utensil?

A sharp knife is invaluable. The best aid and your best friend in the kitchen.

I'm scared of spiders is there anything that you're really afraid of?

As much as I don't like to admit it - I'm afraid of the dark. Always have and always will be.

Who is your favourite out of blue Bear and blue bunny?

That is a very important question, and they are both great, but blue bear is my favourite.

Good answer Anjali! Thank you Anjali for answering my questions and for letting me join in the masterclass to cook with you. 

Thursday 2 May 2013

My Special Day with Anjali Pathak

If you follow my family's blog, The Beesley Buzz, then you may already know that my dad was picked as Patak's official curry taster this year because he loves curry so much (and so do I). So when Anjali Pathak recently came to my house to do a masterclass for my dad, it was like a dream come true for me too!

I was able to help in the kitchen...

I got to meet a proper chef, Anjali Pathak...

and she even wrote a message for me in my diary...

And then she even wrote her own blog post about me! That was really special. 

I had some questions about cooking that I wanted to ask her so I'm going to blog about those too.