Monday 14 January 2013

Easy Peasy Sausage Rolls

Here is a recipe to make some really easy peasy sausage rolls. They are so easy to make that I made them all by myself (mum just helped to put them in and out of the oven because ovens are hot!)

Here's my video showing you what to do:

Here are the ingredients you need:
320g pack ready to use Puff pastry
250g sausage meat
1 egg
A couple of tablespoons of cold water
A sprinkle of ground black pepper (optional)

As you can see from my video - it is easy peasy to make. Just remember to take your pastry out of the fridge about 10 minutes before using it. You can also make your own pastry - but using ready made pastry makes it really quick and easy to make these sausage rolls.

Adding water to the sausage meat is supposed to help the pastry puff up nicely.

25 minutes later, we were eating them...

My little sister was so keen to eat them she even interrupted the end of my video! Here's the outtake...

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic video, my girls are really really keen to have a go now, I have to go shopping for some sausage meat. Hasn't Miss T grown! Loved the outtake video too :)


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